Townshend v. Townshend, 1848
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This case is about slaves or slavery.

Year: 1848
Citation: 7 Gill 10
Jurisdiction: Maryland
Short Summary: Dealing with manumission and bequeathing property to slaves in will. Objecting that the witness "was for a series of years in the habit of frequent intercourse with the testator, in the way of business, and in the interchange of friendly offices, he might be required to express his opinion, based on such observation and facts, in relation to the capacity of the testator." Holding that a witness who may be inadmissible due to mental capacity are permitted to testify as to opinions they formed.
Law type:
Full name: Jeremiah Townshend and John B. Brooke, Executors of John Townshend, vs. William Townshend and others
Court: Court of Appeals of Maryland

Cited by 70 cases: