Case Name Citation Year Distance from slave case(s) Law Type ▲ Jurisdiction
Reiersen v. Comm'r of Revenue 26 Mass. App. Ct. 124 1988 1 Massachusetts
Greenwood v. Curtis 6 Mass. 358 1810 0 Action against slave trader Massachusetts
Commonwealth v. Aves 35 Mass. 193 1836 0 Action for freedom Massachusetts
Linda v. Hudson 55 Mass. 385 1848 0 Action for illegally seizing slave Massachusetts
Harris v. Whitcomb 70 Mass. 433 1855 0 Action for refusing to receive a vote Massachusetts
Ela v. Smith 71 Mass. 121 1855 0 Action of tort for illegally seizing alleged slave Massachusetts
Lewis v. Holbrook 91 Mass. 347 1864 0 Action of tort for seized boat Massachusetts
Inhabitants of Salem v. Inhabitants of Hamilton 4 Mass. 676 1808 0 Action to recover expenses Massachusetts
Inhabitants of Dighton v. Inhabitants of Freetown 4 Mass. 539 1808 0 Action to reverse judgement Massachusetts
Inhabitants of Berkley v. Inhabitants of Somerset 16 Mass. 454 1820 0 Assumpsit for expenses Massachusetts
Inhabitants of Edgartown v. Inhabitants of Tisbury 64 Mass. 408 1852 0 Assumpsit to recover expenses incurred in support of slave Massachusetts
Watson v. Inhabitants of Cambridge 15 Mass. 286 1818 0 Assumpsuit to recover expenses Massachusetts
Inhabitants of Milford v. Inhabitants of Bellingham 16 Mass. 108 1819 0 Assusmpsit to recover expenses Massachusetts
Inhabitants of Lanesborough v. Inhabitants of Westfield 16 Mass. 74 1819 0 Assusmpsit to recover expenses Massachusetts
Inhabitants of Andover v. Inhabitants of Canton 13 Mass. 547 1816 0 Assusmpsit to recover expenses Massachusetts
Guild v. Richards 82 Mass. 309 1860 0 Breach of deed condition Massachusetts
Greenwood v. Curtis 4 Mass. 93 1808 0 Contract dispute Massachusetts
Danzell v. Webquish 108 Mass. 133 1871 0 Estate Dispute Massachusetts
Commonwealth v. Griffith 19 Mass. 11 1823 0 False imprisonment Massachusetts
Commonwealth v. Turner 44 Mass. 19 1841 0 Indictment for kidnapping Massachusetts