Owens v. Collinson, 1830
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This case is about slaves or slavery.

Year: 1830
Citation: 3 G. & J. 25
Jurisdiction: Maryland
Short Summary: Using the diffence in value between the lots of slaves divided in regards to the tobacco settlements to be evidence of willful misconduct. "The failure to debit himself with the tobacco money received of Thomas Norris, appears also to have proceeded from carelessness or forgetfulness, as if fraud had been designed, he furnished the means of its detection, by charging in his account No. 21, against Edward Collinson's estate $238 07, the one half of $477 34, the net proceeds of the tobacco, excluding the articles paid for by Norris, for Edward Collinson. Candor compels us to regard his omitting from his accounts, the $355 50 of bank dividends, as an unintentional act."
Law type:
Full name: Owens vs. Collinson
Court: Court of Appeals of Maryland

Cited by 19 cases: