Hemming v. Elliott, 1886
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This case is about slaves or slavery.

Year: 1886
Citation: 66 Md. 197
Jurisdiction: Maryland
Short Summary: Alleged slander spoken about a wife that was imputed to her husband. The defendant accused the wife of having "a negro child, or a child by a negro man" before she married. The defendant argued that the parties were misjoined. Having a child with a black man at the time was a crime that would subject the mother to corporal punishment. Holding that the parties are properly joined, "the husband of any female may prosecute and sustain an action of slander against any person for words maliciously spoken subsequent to the marriage of such female, touching the character or reputation for chastity of said female previous to her marriage.”
Law type:
Full name: William Hemming, and Alice A. Hemming, his Wife vs. Francis M. Elliott
Court: Court of Appeals of Maryland

Cites 1 case:
Cited by 3 cases: